Monday, March 26, 2018

My Story

It's been a couple days since I've last posted.  There has been a reason for that.  Recently I relapsed and I was too afraid to admit to myself that I had failed.  That I was no longer however many months clean, that it was now two days.  But something today, several things really... spoke out to me.  I know who told me, and he wasn't gonna let this slide.  I can't hide from it anymore.  And I have to do something with what I've been given.  I can't let it go to waste when I could help someone.  So no I'm not some hero who has the answer to everything.  And I am very far from being perfect... But if there is one thing I can do, I can let you know that you are not alone. 

*Now Playing: Tool- Parabol & Parabola

So I guess... I can just start from the beginning.  When I was 4, I was sexually abused by a person I had trusted.  I then endured many years of abuse thinking their actions happened to every kid and that abuse was normal.  They suffered from many different illnesses which was not known at the time.  Later they took on the journey of trying to change and fix past mistakes.  When I was in the second grade I was in fall soccer.  I had been complaining of pain, but we only assumed that it was growing pains.  It was until the pain persisted for months that we pushed it at the hospital till they would x-ray me.  Something was off with my right hip joint bone, so they immediately had me go to a children's hospital.  It was then after MRI's and tests that they found an ABC Blood Tumor attached to my right hip joint that had been hollowing the inside out.  It was aggressive so something needed to be done, but because of the location doctors were afraid to operate on the fear that I would bleed out or become paralyzed for the rest of my life.  It was at this point that at 9 years old I was told they would have to risk the surgery and that until then I couldn't run, fall, skate, play at all because if I fell on my right side too hard, I could bleed out in less that 4 minutes from the inside out.  That was my childhood. 

*Now Playing: Angus & Julia Stone- Big Jet Plane

The day I came in for my surgery, the doctor informed us he had just recently been given the permission to try a trial procedure that wasn't a guarantee but was less invasive.  We jumped at the chance, but after nothing seemed to really change.  I was then making visits constantly to the city to get MRI's and to talk to doctors.  I would have a good year, and then an off one.  It was the summer after my 8th grade year though, that I was at a church camp called World Changers in Tulsa OH that my pain became more severe.  It was then that I began walking with a cane that came from a lady in arizona. 

*Now Playing: The Cinematic Orchestra- To Build a Home

More doctor appointments, and I spent the first few days of 8th grade in a wheel chair and then the rest walking with a cane.  I was more alone than I had ever felt.  I had begun self harming.  I wrote poetry, of which I started in the 6th grade.  It became dark that year, and eventually I lost the will to write it.  After 8th grade things only got worse.  I remember falling down my front porch steps after trying not to use my cane and because my parents were away I spent an hour trying to crawl back up to ring the door bell so that someone could phone them for me.  I would have many trips to the emergency room.  I was then transferred to another hospital for my leg treatment as I began my freshman year.  I had my last surgery in that area that fall, and after relearning how to walk on my right leg I could use it again.  I was making so much progress that by spring I could officially leave the cane at home.  I could take a step away from being the cane girl. 

I'll write more tomorrow finishing my story.  Those that do happen to come across this and read it, I hope this helps.  Thank you...


Monday, March 19, 2018


Rainy Days

*Now Playing: My First Kiss- 3OH!3

Quite a rainy day for a Monday, so it only makes it seem more fitting.  The only downside I find in rain is my car leaks, leaving for a very cold ride.  Today was the day, and nobody said a word.  Partially because I crossed my arms most of the time and hesitantly raised my hand in a direction that no one would really see.  Shame on me, I know... But wearing nothing on my arms to expose the entirety of it... that will be a battle in it's own. But I'm thinking tomorrow to not cover my arms while i'm inside.  We are going on a field trip anyway and the people I'll see (other than those from my school) I'll never see again.  So perks?

*Now Playing: The Drug In Me Is You- Falling in Reverse

I feel like a wave of depression coming though... My pain pills look too tempting, my arms don't look covered enough.  It's when I have thoughts like these that I imagine doing more damage to myself.  I usually am able to pull myself out of it though.  It's difficult but of course not impossible.  There are times when I wish I could be the punk rock kid that doesn't care about grades, parents don't care, in a band and vibrant hair styles.  That would be me, if my parents didn't dictate my life and have me wearing a mask 24/7.  As stupid as it may sound... It's something that I can only day dream about.  Music is a huge part of my life.  So is writing, but my parents have basically ruined that now haven't they?

*Now Playing: Check Yes Juliet- We The Kings

Honestly if we are talking about hidden dreams... that would be my life.  A roadie constantly traveling, performing, singing and playing my guitar, seeing the world and expressing myself by doing something I've done since I was 2 years old.  Of course that's not a very reliable option.  My mother will barely let me be a librarian as it is.  So school teacher it is, and my secret emo dream will be just put away for another rainy day- day dream.  I guess I've always been so caught up with what I'm supposed to do, that my dreams don't seem worth fighting for anymore.  It bugs me, but what can I do?  I'm supposed to be the leader, the oldest, smartest and successful one.  I don't want to be known for straight A's and knowing all the answers.  I know there is more substance to me than what they are making me out to be.  But how do I fight against it?  Can I fight against it?  I don't know...

This is why rainy days can be dangerous.  They let me dream, let my mind wander... and when that happens I realize I'm not content. 


Sunday, March 18, 2018


*Now Playing: Metro Station- Shake it

Music from 7 years ago flood my speakers and I just close my eyes and get taken aback.  To the time I was skating in our roller rink in the dark by myself listening to this song, wondering, what's next?  It didn't matter that I would have a cane in the following years, or that I would struggle, have a few boyfriends then find Lee or that my life at this point seems to be going down the shitter.  No, it was a breath by breath.  It was a live now and make the most of this moment type of what's next.  I was ready for it all.  Inside I still am.

*Now Playing: Gym Class Heroes- Stereo Hearts

I find comfort in those days, when my mind was innocent (all that a 9-12 year olds mind can be) and when I could take on the world.  It gives me courage I think.  This morning I went to church in a dress, something I haven't done in years.  I even didn't cover my arms for like 10 minutes.  Progress takes time I guess.  Tomorrow is a different story.  Not wearing long sleeves in front of 1200 students is when things become scary.  I know I shouldn't care what they think, but it still bothers me.  They don't know me at all, and they are just going to assume the worst.  God now I sound like a baby.

*Now Playing: Rixton- Me and My Broken Heart

I can let my mind think of the good ol' days, or think about the great future, but that doesn't change right now.  I've always seeked to live in the moment, my moto always being Carpe Diem, but truly there is no black and white answer.  Over thinking the future and planning everything takes out joy, but living in the moment gives a lot of risk.  There is no extreme yes or no I guess... I'll just have to choose what feels right.  Till my probable death tomorrow facing the judgemental crowds of an American High School.


Saturday, March 17, 2018

Red Lines

Arm Day (Gym)

*Now playing: Logic- 1-800-273-8255

What I don't get is how people are so eager to throw away their lives.  They like jump at the chance to end it all but yet complain that they never get the chance to celebrate what they have.  I can't lie, I have personally jumped at the chance.  The thought still races through my mind time to time.  Lee keeps me here, and my family reminds me I cannot let them down.  But what of me? What in me is worth it to keep going? I'm still trying to find out I guess...

*Now playing: Beartooth- In Between

I went to the gym today, and I walked laps in my hoodie till I realized that working on the equipment with it on would be impossible.  So I worked out without it.  There was only like one other person in there that wasn't my dad, but still... I did it without worry of my arms and just kept going.  I know I will get looks, people will say stuff to me and behind my back... but I am tired of being afraid. It gets warmer and warmer outside, so it was only a matter of time till I would be questioned for always covering my arms.  It's not like it's very discreet either.  It goes from my elbows to each wrist.  Deep dark scars too that easily catch your eye because of how pale I am. 

I don't know if I'm truly ready or not... but it was going to happen either way...

*Now playing: Heart On Fire- Jonathan Clay

Even my music playlist feels just as bipolar right now... To tell the truth, escaping here... my family, these people... everything in me is telling me to bolt but I can't.  I can't leave Lee and he gives me the courage I need to stay.  To face the music, to fight for my life.  So I'm stuck in the same loop for now. Trying to survive my wanting to die.  From how society is now, it seems like almost everyone is in the same boat.  Lets hope we can at least float.


Friday, March 16, 2018



*Now playing: People are strange- Lost Boys Soundtrack

Hey, my name is Starr. And I want to be normal.  I want to be apart of something because I don't fit in anywhere.  I'm known as the quiet smart girl, cane girl, and now since my rebellious actions I've been reduced to the kid who's father is a monster.  Why tell you the truth when no one believes it.  It becomes pointless to fightback when you only dig yourself into a bigger whole...

*Now playing: Cry Little Sister- Lost Boys Soundtrack

I can't say i'm done fighting though.  I have a future that I want. I have people to live for.  Lee, and whoever else I may impact in the future. I can't simply give up now because the battle seems to hard.  No matter what fucking rumors people wanna say about me, I give no shits anymore.  I will live how I know best.And I'm gonna make it.  Monday I'm gonna wear a short sleeved shirt and not even bother to hide my scars.  I'm gonna ignore every intake of disgust or look of sympathy.  I need none of them. 

~The last star to collapse~